0 Comments Tuesday, June 4, 2013 | by admin
I've been tagged again!! This time, by hilarious Deka of That's Hideous! And so you all know the drill, I write a bunch of loves/hates/randoms, then pass it on. So read and enjoy a little peek into the random mind of MizzJ...
10 things I love:
- Cuddling
- Sleeping in while doing the above
- Cheesecake!!!
- Designer sales
- The sound of high heels against pavement
- Skirts with pockets
- Doritos
- Watching cooking shows, especially Iron Chef
- Intelligent hip-hop
- Beaches
10 things I hate
- People who budge in line
- People who don't hang up in time and leave useless blank messages (you know who you are, douches)
- Long work meetings
- Narrow-mindedness and self-righteousness
- Being bored
- Celery
- Uggs. If you must wear them, at least acknowledge their fugliness and don't pass them off as fashionable
- Obnoxiously drunk people
- Dirty slushy snow
- Folding laundry
10 random facts
- I don't know how to skip stones, but in 2nd year uni I wrote an essay on how to skip stones. I got an A.
- I work as a software engineer
- My top favourite travel destinations I've been to so far are Honolulu, Paris, and Taipei
- I've been bungy jumping twice and zip lining once
- I can pick up pencils with my toes
- My favourite yoga pose is pigeon pose
- I like to watch figure skating
- Chewy Chips Ahoy are my favourite comfort food snack
- I'm a 5th generation Chinese-Canadian